International shipping is a troublesome hassle. Customs can create delays and validation obstacles may occur, in addition, regulation differences between countries can generate vital problems.

Sky Logistics provides the only in-house custom clearance team who will handle your custom issues on your behalf. Professionally we offer custom clearance services in all Egyptian ports for import and export operations. Sky Logistics clearance team is constantly following up and applying cost control measures in order to optimize operations effectively and efficiently to our client’s satisfaction.

In addition, Sky Logistics is fully aware that a crucial factor in custom clearance is the determination of correct customs classification and verification of the documents prior to clearance. Accordingly, Sky Logistics address the complete preparation and submission of the required documentations to facilitate exports or imports processes, provide its clients with accurate custom consulting, and represent its clients during customs examination and assessment.

With our custom clearance service, we ensure you will reduce time at the borders and achieve the most convenient, hassle-free clearance process.

Any information delivered by any party to Sky Logistics in regards to Customs Clearance is considered as a legal agreement that binds both parties to non-disclosure of confidential or proprietary information.